Vegan ice cream bars

It is still winter and it literally snowed the other day where I live. But subzero temperatures could never stop me from enjoying an ice cream based dessert. And these vegan ice cream bars were definitely worth enjoying. Which is why I have to share the recipe.
Ice cream sandwiches and ice cream bars were some of my favorite desserts in the past. But there are not many vegan versions of these in stores. While that is sad, it is not that much of a problem, since making your own turns out to be a walk in the park. And the recipe that I am posting today is probably a lot healthier too. You may spend more money on the ingredients, but you will also end up with several superior ice cream bars.
Vegan ice cream bars are beyond delicious, supper addictive and super easy to make. I highly recommend these to everyone, vegans and non-vegans.
A piece of advice
You will probably be surprised how easy this recipe is once you read the whole thing. But as always, I am here to write an unreasonably long post and guide you in all of the things that you may find confusing or difficult.
Let’s start with the ingredients. First of all, you don’t really have to use peanut butter. I think that this recipe would turn out good with any type of nut butter. Every time I use coconut cream or coconut flour in a recipe, there is a handful of people who tell me that they don’t like coconut. And I get it, I don’t like it either. However, in this recipe (like in many others) you can’t even taste the coconut. The peanut butter taste cancels it out.
When looking for a dark chocolate, make sure it is vegan (most of them are). And find one that contains cocoa butter. This is important.
Hopefully you will be able to find a dairy free ice cream in a store. But if not, you will just have to make one at home, like I did. I will leave a recipe for a vegan vanilla ice cream that I like right – here. It is the one I used for these ice cream bars. It would have been nice to save some time, but this ice cream was super simple to make.
In any case, don’t forget to soften the ice cream up before you make the peanut butter base. It will be way easier to spoon it or pour it on top of the base. After that, pop it back into the freezer. It might take a few hours to freeze everything, it really depends. I left mine in the freezer overnight.
Then you need to slice all of this into bars. When you take them out of the freezer, it is best to work quickly and with a big sharp knife. The length and number of bars depends only on you. Return them to the freezer right away.
I was too lazy, so I made 3 huge ice cream bars. Next time I will try to spread everything thinner.
After you have done that, it is time to coat these vegan ice cream bars with chocolate. First, chop the chocolate into smaller pieces. Put a pot of water on the stove and heat it over medium heat. Inside the pot place a smaller saucepan or plastic bowl with the chocolate. When you notice that the chocolate is melting, give it a stir. As soon as the chocolate melts remove it from the stove and set aside.
Now you have to work quick. Keep in mind, the chocolate will most likely freeze as soon as it touches the ice cream, which means you have to smear it quickly over the ice cream bars. That way you will obtain a better shape and a thinner chocolate coat.

Vegan ice cream bars
Course: Sweet, SweetIngredients
95 g of peanut butter
65 g of coconut flour
3 tbsp of maple syrup
300 g of dark vegan chocolate
Dairy free ice cream
- In a small bowl mix together the peanut butter, coconut flour and maple syrup. When it starts to look like a dough you can knead it a bit with your hands.
- Line a small square baking dish or bowl with some parchment paper. Transfer the peanut butter dough in the dish and press it down with your fingers to form a crust.
- Take the ice cream out of the freezer and let it soften up for about 10 minutes. Scoop or pour the ice cream over the peanut butter crust. Put it in the freezer and leave it there until it is completely frozen. This may take a few hours.
- Melt the dark chocolate over a double boiler. Take the dish out of the freezer and cut the ice cream into several bars as quick as you can and dip them in the melted chocolate, or spred the chocolate over the bars. Return them to the freezer.
- Keep the vegan ice cream bars in the freezer. Defrost for 4-5 minutes before eating.
If you liked this recipe, make sure you check out my other recipes like:
Feel free to tell me what you think about this in the comments below, or send me the pictures of your own vegan ice cream bars. If you did something differently, I would also like to hear that, I’d love to see the things you come up with.
P.S. for more recipes like this and a bunch of other stuff, follow me on Instagram, @margo_drobi.
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