Lotus baked oats

There is a serious shortage of breakfast recipes on this blog, and today I am about to try and improve that a little bit. Lotus baked oats were on my menu today, so I might as well share that with my readers.
Oats are my go to breakfast every morning, so I try to make a lot of different versions of oatmeal, just to switch it up. This time, we will bake it and make it super tasty with Lotus biscoff ingredients.
This recipe is simple, tasty, vegan, and it won’t take up much of your time. If you’re trying to break your routine a little bit, or just want a plain tasty breakfast, this is the way to go. It’s like a delicious oat cake with a sweet melted, fruity center. And in case you’re interested, I will leave a few fun facts about oats in the section below.
Some health benefits
Oats are rich in carbs and fiber, but also higher in protein and fat than most other grains. They are very high in many vitamins and minerals. Oats contain many powerful antioxidants, including avenanthramides. These compounds may help reduce blood pressure and provide other benefits.
They are high in the soluble fiber beta-glucan, which has numerous benefits. It helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, promotes healthy gut bacteria and increases feelings of fullness. They also may lower the risk of heart disease by reducing both total and LDL cholesterol and protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Due to the soluble fiber beta-glucan, oats may improve insulin sensitivity and help lower blood sugar levels.
Oatmeal may help you lose weight by making you feel more full. It does this by slowing down the emptying of the stomach and increasing production of the satiety hormone PYY. Colloidal oatmeal (finely ground oats) has long been used to help treat dry and itchy skin. It may help relieve symptoms of various skin conditions, including eczema.
Some research suggests that oats may help prevent asthma in children when fed to young infants. Studies indicate that oat bran can help reduce constipation in elderly individuals, significantly reducing the need to use laxatives. Oats can be a great addition to a healthy diet. They can be eaten as oatmeal (porridge) for breakfast, added to baked goods and more. And if you lack the ideas on how to prepare them, make sure to try this Lotus baked oats recipe, you will probably love it.
A piece of advice
This section may be quite short today, since this is a super simple oatmeal recipe. I feel like I am making quite simple ones lately. But I always have something to add here so here we go.
Lotus biscoff cookies and Lotus biscoff spread were always some of my favorite vegan sweets. I only discovered them when I went vegan and they are my guilty pleasure. I understand that some of my readers might have a hard time obtaining these ingredients, I always get a ton of questions about where to buy them. If you live in Europe and have a Lidl or Billa store near you, you might find them there. They can also be ordered online, so make sure you look into that. I got my most recent batch from Germany.
There is no need to add more sugar to these Lotus baked oats, there is already a banana in there and the Lotus spread and cookie. You can add as many other toppings as you want. I chose to add some goji berries, ground Lotus cookies and pumpkin seeds. This combo worked out quite well. But you can add anything you like.
These measurements are enough for one bowl of oatmeal. If you need more than that make sure to double the measurements and divide them between two bowls (or more).

Lotus baked oats
Course: SweetIngredients
70 g of oats
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tbsp of chia seeds
1/2 tbsp of flax seeds
1 medium sized banana
170 ml of soy milk
2 heaping tbsps of Lotus biscoff spread
a handful of frozen raspberries
a few Lotus biscoff cookies
- Cut up the banana into smaller pieces. Put the oats, chia and flax seeds, baking powder, soy milk and the banana in a blender cup. Blend everything until it becomes smooth.
- Pour half of the mixture into a ramekin (or a heat resistant bowl). Put the raspberries and 1 tablespoon of Lotus spread in the middle of the batter. Pour the other half on top of that. Top it off with a Lotus cookie.
- Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Bake the Lotus oats for about 25 minutes. Put 1 tbsp of the Lotus spread in a separate small ramekin and put it in the oven for the last five minutes. Take it out when the spread melts.
- Take out the Lotus baked oats from the oven and drizzle with the spare Lotus spread. Top off with some ground Lotus cookies and serve while it’s still warm.

If you liked this recipe, make sure you check out my other recipes like:
Feel free to tell me what you think about this in the comments below, or send me the pictures of your own vegan Lotus baked oats. If you did something differently, I would also like to hear that, I’d love to see the things you come up with.
P.S. for more recipes like this and a bunch of other stuff, follow me on Instagram, @margo_drobi.
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